An online scam, combining the Grindr dating app and a fake website, is targeting Irish gay men.
The scam begins when a Grindr user receives a message from a new contact, looking to hook up.
But the contact immediately asks the victim whether they have something called 'LGID'.
If they inquire what that is, the scammer explains they were assaulted and punched - even attaching a picture of their damaged face.

They then say they need proof the victim is not an offender, by acquiring a specific ID from a link the scammer provides.
If the victim follows the link, they are taken to a convincing-looking website that claims it is a 'lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer anti-offender screening system' and asked to sign up.
The sign-up involves "a €2 payment for processing the ID" and handing over the victim's personal and payment details.

But it also claims "50% of all payments will be donated to LGBT harassment victims" as an added incentive.
Once the victim submits their information, €50 is immediately charged to their credit card, with possible additional charges on the card.

The person's private details may also be held for blackmail at a later date, software security developer ESET Ireland says.
It is advising extra caution when contacts on social media suggest following links that require filling out personal and payment details.