Paying essential workers more for working in Dublin would help “keep the lights on,” Newstalk Breakfast presenter Ciara Kelly has said.
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation has backed calls for a Dublin weighting allowance to help tackle the rising cost of living and housing in the city.
Schools principals have said they are struggling to fill vacancies and Ciara said a pay rise could encourage professionals to work in the capital.
“I think it’s around 60% of teacher panels in Dublin are empty because living in Dublin is very difficult - because it is so expensive,” she said.
“I wouldn’t roll this out for everybody, I would roll this out for key workers - so, not everyone in the public sector and this is going to become the problem with this.
“[If you’re a civil servant working from home] forget it. No.
“But we do need guards, teachers, nurses, radiographers, firefighters.
"There’s people that we need and they are key workers rather than public sector workers, in my view.
“I have no issue with those people but… unions are funny beasts, unions are all about, ‘We need something because you have something.’"
Beyond Dublin
Ciara said it was likely a Dublin weighting allowance would end up as an allowance for most places in the country.
“I think what we’ll see is the Dublin weighting will become the Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Kilkenny weighting - and suddenly it’s just a pay rise by the back door.
“So, I think, first of all, it can’t be that.
“Second of all, it can’t be for everyone in the public service with this benchmarking nonsense.
“But do I have an objection to essential workers - key workers in Dublin - getting something to keep the lights on in the capital, [something to] keep the hospitals and the schools running?
“No, it’s a good idea.
"Will we do it? You tell me.”

Whatever the merits of the case, co-presenter Shane Coleman predicted it is unlikely ever to become Government policy.
“There is absolutely no prospect of this happening,” he said. “We have a system of collective bargaining in this country."
"I’m not saying it’s a good thing or necessarily a bad thing - I tend to agree it’s not a good thing.
“But it is the system that is there and I think the other unions will ensure that this ultimately never happens.
“And I’m not sure we should expand too much political capital debating something that will never happen.
“Even if, as you say Ciara, there is a merit for a Dublin weighting.”
In February, the Labour Party endorsed a Dublin weighting for key workers, citing London as an example of city where people in the public sector are paid more because of the high cost of living.
Main image: Ciara Kelly and housing in Dublin.