People are being urged to save water as the hot weather continues.
Irish Water is warning that staycations and COVID-19 measures mixed with the recent sunny weather is putting pressure on the water supply.
The utility is encouraging people to save water by taking shorting showers, re-using bathwater and avoiding hoses in the garden.
Irish Water Head of Asset Operations Tom Cuddy said there has been a big increase in usage and very little rain to replenish reserves.
“We are having a very exceptional spell of good weather and it coincides with a number of factors – we have a lot of staycations and we also have reopening of society,” he said.
“Of course, usage has stayed quite high, there has been an additional factor with COVID-19 hygiene and handwashing exercises as well.
“So, we are using at least as much and probably more water than we have done in the past.”
Irish Water is encouraging people to save water in range of different ways.
- Take a shorter shower and save up to 10 litres of water per minute
- Fix dripping taps or leaking toilets in your home
- When brushing your teeth or shaving, turn off the tap and save up to 6 litres of water per minute
- Save and reuse water collected from baths, showers, and hand basins in the garden
- Avoid using paddling pools
- In the garden use a rose head watering can instead of a hose and aim for the roots
- If you need to wash your car, use a bucket and sponge instead of a hose
Mr Cuddy said Ireland water reserves probably won’t be replenished until the autumn.
“We are at that time of the year where our demand is increasing and our water supplies are dropping,” he said.
“They are not really being replenished. They won’t be replenished until we get significant rain in the autumn time.
“So essentially, we need to conserve water now so we can reserve our supplies to bring us right through until we get to replenishment.”

Night time restrictions on water use and urgent conservation appeals have already been issued in some areas this summer – including in Portlaoise and Donegal.
Irish Water said there are still no plans to issue a hosepipe ban.