
Pistorius cameras turned off as athlete throws up during autopsy details

Oscar Pistorius has thrown up in court as details of the post mortem examination of Reeva Steenka...

12.02 10 Mar 2014

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Pistorius cameras turned off a...

Pistorius cameras turned off as athlete throws up during autopsy details


12.02 10 Mar 2014

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Oscar Pistorius has thrown up in court as details of the post mortem examination of Reeva Steenkamp are read out. A live video feed of the trial has been cut while a pathologist gives "graphic" evidence of his examination.

Reporter Alex Crawford, who is in court, said "Oscar Pistorius is making regular loud retching noises and appears to be vomiting as details of post-mortem examination are read out".

She said a court official lifted a microphone away from Pistorius to "lessen the sound".


The judge has repeatedly asked whether Pistorius is well enough to continue, and his lawyer Barry Roux says he wants the evidence to carry on.

Pistorius' brother Carl has left the courtroom, while Pistorius "remains hunched over, holding his ears, retching".

The cameras were cut following a request from the prosecution on behalf of pathologist Professor Gert Saayman.

Outlining his request for privacy, Professor Saayman told the judge her family's right to discretion outweighed that of public interest.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel said the move was needed to "respect the decency" of Ms. Steenkamp and her family and friends.

He was backed by Mr. Roux, who said "We don't believe that the public interest is more important than this. This is our view".

Professor Saayman said live streaming would "go against the humanity of people". Judge Thokozile Masipa agreed and ordered the live feed to be cut, and asked for Tweets from the courtroom about evidence to stop.

Earlier in the day a security guard finished giving his evidence. Chief security guard Pieter Baba says Pistorius told him all was fine when he called after receiving reports from other residents that they had heard gunshots.

But Mr. Roux insisted to him that it was Pistorius who phoned the security guard, rather than the other way round.

He said "We have the proof that he called you first and you returned the call".

Mr. Baba replied "According to you, Mr. Roux, Oscar Pistorius phoned me first. But I phoned him first. According to the data, it shows that he phoned me first but I phoned him first".

Ms. Steenkamp was shot dead by Pistorius on Valentine's Day last year. The double-amputee says he thought she was an intruder.

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