
Pistorius trial hears from anaesthetist

Update 11:20 An anaesthetist has been giving evidence about the contents of Reeva Steenkamp's sto...

09.50 8 May 2014

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Pistorius trial hears from ana...

Pistorius trial hears from anaesthetist


09.50 8 May 2014

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Update 11:20

An anaesthetist has been giving evidence about the contents of Reeva Steenkamp's stomach in the Oscar Pistorius murder trial.

It had been claimed the model ate two hours before her death, contradicting evidence the couple were sleeping at the time.The athlete's defence team has started calling expert witnesses as the trial enters its 28th day.


Professor Christina Lundgren, who has a PhD in deaths due to anaesthesia explained why she was qualified to give expert evidence on gastric emptying and its use to determine the time of death.

State Pathologist Gert Sayman has previously testified that food found in Ms Steenkamp's stomach had been eaten no more than two hours before her death.

His evidence suggests the victim was awake when a neighbour said she heard what sounded like a woman arguing in the house where Pistorius shot her.

The defence team has challenged the reliability of determining the time of death by studying the stomach contents.

Pistorius is accused of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, but he claims he shot her by accident.

Meanwhile, an offer has been accepted on the house where Oscar Pistorius shot dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

The athlete put the property in Pretoria on the market to cover the legal costs of his trial for her murder - which he denies.

Neither the price nor the identity of the buyer's been confirmed.

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