A new plan to manage all State property assets for the first time has been launched. The Office of Public Works (OPW) hopes the move will result in greater efficiencies and lower costs on the second biggest expenditure for the State, after payroll.
Up to now individual agencies of the State such as the Health Service Executive (HSE) or the Courts Service managed their own property needs but this will now be centralised in the OPW.
The 'Property Asset Management Delivery Plan' is the work of the Steering Group on Property Asset Management, chaired by the Chairman of the OPW.
The OPW has the central role in driving efficiencies across the State’s diverse property portfolio, in accordance with the government's programme of public service reforms.
After people, property is the largest driver of costs across the Public Service. The OPW has achieved annual savings of over €30 million to the State by reducing leases and office spaces everywhere they are not required, according to the Minister of State with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works, Brian Hayes.
This is one year ahead of target. As well as this plan, a new web-mapping register will show core data for all State buildings
Minister Brian Hayes has announced the plan.