
POLL: Would you treat a colleague different if you knew they had a mental health issue?

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10.00 10 Sep 2013

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POLL: Would you treat a collea...

POLL: Would you treat a colleague different if you knew they had a mental health issue?


10.00 10 Sep 2013

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Global Village discussed mental health on the show this weekend. Dil was joined by a range of guests to discuss the often stigmatised subject, including psychiatrists and people who have experienced mental health problems themselves. You can listen back to the show below:


Michael D. Higgins spoke at a conference for bereavement charity Console yesterday, and also shared some advice in advance of World Suicide Prevention Day. The President said stigma is keeping people feeling suicidal from seeking help, and stressed that mental health can be recovered.

President Higgins, echoing Console themselves, urged anyone under pressure to speak out, saying everyone has a role to play in addressing the issue and that suicide does not eliminate the pain people are suffering:

Caroline McGuigan, CEO of Suicide or Survive observes "deep down we all know that experiencing a mental health problem is simply part and parcel of the ups and downs of life and can happen to any of us. But it’s the silence around mental health which stops people seeking help and makes the experience of being unwell even more difficult."

Would you treat a colleague differently if you knew they had a mental health issue, and in what way? Do you believe there is still a stigma attached to acknowledging mental health problems in the workplace? What do you think could be done to encourage more of a discussion about these issues? Vote in our poll and leave your comments below.

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