
POLL: Would you welcome an amendment to Ireland's broadcasting laws so that only material which is “unduly” offensive is banned from being broadcast?

Would you welcome an amendment to our broadcasting laws so that only material which is “unduly...

10.31 7 Feb 2014

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POLL: Would you welcome an ame...

POLL: Would you welcome an amendment to Ireland's broadcasting laws so that only material which is “unduly” offensive is banned from being broadcast?


10.31 7 Feb 2014

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The Communications Minister says he plans to amend the law - which currently bans broadcasters from carrying material which can cause offence.

Pat Rabbitte says he plans to amend Section 39 of the act so that only material which is unduly offensive is banned from being broadcast.

It comes after RTE paid out over 85,000 euro last week to six individuals following comments made on homophobia by the gay activist Rory O'Neill on the Saturday Night Show.

Minister Rabbitte told Newstalk Breakfast it's not for him to comment on whether RTE's legal team made the right decision - but admits the incident has prompted him to re-think our broadcasting laws.

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