
Pope Francis to address extraordinary Synod

  Pope Francis faces the biggest challenge of his papacy today, as bishops from around the w...

08.09 5 Oct 2014

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Pope Francis to address extrao...

Pope Francis to address extraordinary Synod


08.09 5 Oct 2014

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Pope Francis faces the biggest challenge of his papacy today, as bishops from around the world meet at the Vatican to discuss a series of contentious social issues, including same-sex marriage and contraception.



The Pope, who's pro-reform, faces resistance from many conservative cardinals during the two week Extraordinary Synod.


This is the first synod of his papacy and Pope Francis is determined to foster an open debate on many divisive issues within the Catholic Church.


Over 200 cardinals, bishops and archbishops will hold discussions with a dozen hand-picked married couples who will be asked their opinions on the challenges facing modern Catholic families.


Among the topics to be debated are same-sex marriage, contraception and whether to allow remarried divorcees to take Communion.


The Pope has already indicated in homilies, addresses and interviews that he is in favour of adopting a different approach towards remarried divorcees who want to receive the Sacrament.


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