Postnatal Depression and How to get Help
Statistics here in Ireland say that 12,000 mothers will experience Post Natal Depression, a grad...

Postnatal Depression and How to get Help
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style="text-align: center;">Statistics here in Ireland say that 12,000 mothers will experience Post Natal Depression, a gradual slide into depression following the birth of a child. Women are struggling to recognise the need for help and even when they do, they are often too ashamed or embarrassed to tell anyone about their fears and anxieties.
style="text-align: center;">Nurture is an organisation that addresses the serious lack of Support Services for mothers and families battling with Depression during pregnancy, Post Natal Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Post-Partum Psychosis.
style="text-align: center;">Joining Tom in studio today to raise awareness about these issues were Irene Lowry, who set up Nurture Support Services and Lindsey Gibbney, a woman who came through the process with Nurture PND.
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style="text-align: center;">for more information about Nurture or postnatal depression visit the website
href=""> or their FaceBook page
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