The chairman of the Dáil"s Finance Committee says he believes the days of bailouts for departments which overspend are "well and truely over".
Ciaran Lynch"s comments come after it emerged yesterday that James Reilly"s to be given extra money to deal with an overspend in health.
The committee will publish its report on public sector allowances later - which is expected to make particular recommendations about TDs" expenses and allowances, and propose the levels should be set by an independent group.
Ahead of the report"s publication, the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin, will face questions from the Finance Committee on his progress in cutting costs.
A draft report recommends a major overhaul to public sector allowances, page 3 of the Irish Independent reports.
Following a committee examination of allowances paid to public servants, findings revealed that there were 1,100 types of allowances available.
The committee recommends that levels of expenses or allowances payable to politicians should be determined independently or vouched from the beginning of next year.
Last year, politicians received almost €1.4m in unvouched payments under the allowances for public representations and secretarial assistance.