
[Your Say] Do you steal from hotels?

Guests stealing the odd towel or toiletry from a hotel is costing them €5,500 each a year. Pag...

16.30 17 Sep 2012

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[Your Say] Do you steal from h...

[Your Say] Do you steal from hotels?


16.30 17 Sep 2012

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Guests stealing the odd towel or toiletry from a hotel is costing them €5,500 each a year.

Page 4 of the Irish Independent reports that a new survey by href="">, which surveyed 1500 hotels worldwide has shown that hotel guests pilfer from where they are staying on a regular basis, stealing artwork, curtains, computers and TV sets.


In one Dublin hotel, all the Christmas “presents” ”” empty boxes were taken. Five-star hotels reported the highest losses, with an average of €20,000 worth of items going missing each year, largely from bedrooms, but also from lobbies, reception and outdoor areas.

Towels were the top pilfered item, with 87% of hotels saying they were regularly taken. Light bulbs were not even safe, with 9% saying that guests left their rooms in the dark by unscrewing the light bulbs from their sockets.


id=".reactRoot[3].[1][2][1]{comment198168766983367_619282}..[1]..[1]..[0].[0]" href="">Tom Newell They do a good job ripping guests off during big events so works both ways

id=".reactRoot[3].[1][2][1]{comment198168766983367_619293}..[1]..[1]..[0].[0]" href="">Edwina Foley Bravado… I find that very hard to believe!

id=".reactRoot[3].[1][2][1]{comment198168766983367_619296}..[1]..[1]..[0].[0]" href="">Adrian Nolan I hadn’t planned on it but sure now that I know they’re all it I might as well. I need a saorview tv asap.

id=".reactRoot[3].[1][2][1]{comment198168766983367_619300}..[1]..[1]..[0].[0]" href="">Ruth Udoh No thats bad.

id=".reactRoot[3].[1][2][1]{comment198168766983367_619337}..[1]..[1]..[0].[0]" href="">Gerard Murphy Yes, I needed a swimming pool one time, so I stole theirs. 
id=".reactRoot[3].[1][2][1]{comment198168766983367_619337}..[1]..[1]..[0].[2]..[1]" />What a silly question

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