
[Question] What should you NOT talk about at a dinner party?

A survey by O2 lists the top taboo subjects not to be discussed at a dinner party. That knocks ...

12.10 21 Aug 2012

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[Question] What should you NOT...

[Question] What should you NOT talk about at a dinner party?


12.10 21 Aug 2012

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A survey by O2 lists the top taboo subjects not to be discussed at a dinner party.

That knocks money down to a close third place, with over a quarter saying they would refuse to talk about their finances with those who are close to them.


A similar proportion say they would not even be comfortable discussing the amount of money they earn.

The 2012 participants were UK respondents and came up with the following Top 10 taboo topics:

1. My sex life – 32%

2. An infidelity – 31%

3. The state of my finances – 28%

4. How much I earn – 25%

5. My family planning – 19%

6. My relationship with my partner – 18%

7. The value of my home – 16%

8. Politics – 13%

9. Serious illness – 9%

10. Religion – 7%

style="color: #ff0000;">Do you agree with the list above? What topics you think should be banned from the dinner table?

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