The Government has been given a rare defeat in the Seanad this evening.
Senators voted by 27 votes to 23 to pass legislation aimed at banning upward-only rent reviews.
The government had opposed the proposals from independent senator Feargal Quinn, on the basis that the move could be illegal.
There was cheering in the Seanad chamber as the shock result was confirmed.
The government had argued that any plan to ban upward-only rent reviews could be a breach of the constitution.
But when it came to a vote on the bill from Feargal Quinn, the government side was outmanned - and the absence of three Labour and two Fine Gael senators meant the opposition simply had more numbers.
The bill now goes to committee stage next week, and could be sent to the Dáil by the end of the month.
It's only the second time that the government's been beaten in the Seanad since it came to office - and comes just two days before the referendum on whether it should be abolished altogether.