
Rehab appoints consultant to lead review of group governance

Updated 12.15 The Rehab Group has admitted that its response to recent public and political deman...

12.02 8 Apr 2014

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Rehab appoints consultant to l...

Rehab appoints consultant to lead review of group governance


12.02 8 Apr 2014

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Updated 12.15

The Rehab Group has admitted that its response to recent public and political demands has been 'inadequate'.

In a letter to staff this morning, the board says it had not exercised enough oversight of some issues which have come to public attention in recent weeks.


It has appointed independent consultant Dr Eddie Molloy to oversee a "root and branch review" into its governance and structures, and how it conducts its affairs.

The Board says it hopes to recover the confidence and trust of the general public as a result.

The statement comes just days after the sudden retirement of CEO Angela Kerins, who stepped down as chief executive effective last Friday.

Neither Ms Kerins nor her predecessor, Frank Flannery, have yet confirmed their plans to attend the Public Accounts Committee's hearing on Rehab this Thursday.

Sinn Féin Deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald spoke to Newstalk's Lunchtime:

Meanwhile, Fianna Fáil's Finance Spokesperson Michel McGrath says only the Irish public can decide when the Rehab crisis is over:

Rehab statement

The Board of the Rehab Group has appointed external change management consultant, Dr Eddie Molloy, to lead a root and branch review into the governance and structures of the Rehab Group and how it conducts its affairs.

In a message conveyed to all staff today, the Chairman of the Rehab Group, Brian Kerr described the Board’s response to recent political and public demands for information as inadequate: “We recognise that as a Board we have not exercised strict and appropriate oversight of certain issues which have come to public attention in recent weeks. The Board’s priority now is to initiate a programme of transformation and change which will allow us to candidly confront the issues before us and to rebuild the reputation, staff morale and effectiveness of the organisation.

Importantly, this programme of change must strive to recover the confidence and trust of the people who use our services, our staff, the people of Ireland who fund us, including the Government, and other stakeholders - not least our colleagues in the charity sector who have suffered because of the fall-out over the current controversy”.

Mr Kerr also told the staff, “As a matter of urgency, we are committed to making whatever changes are necessary, including changes to the Board, to ensure that the organisation can have the full confidence of those who use our services and those who fund us”.

Dr Eddie Molloy is an independent change management consultant who has 35 years’ experience in leading transformation projects in all sectors – public, private and charity. He is a trustee of Genio, Chairman of Mental Health Reform and former Chairman of Focus Ireland and other NGOs. He is also a member of the Public Appointments Service which oversees senior level appointments throughout the public service.


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