Kids need to get back playing outdoors again, because they’re not getting enough exercise. That’s the message from Ireland’s Food Safety watchdog, Safefood, who have today launched their new Bring Back Play programme.
Kids are supposed to be getting 60 minutes of physical activity a day, but less than half of all children – just 4 out of 10 – are actually achieving that goal. This is leading to a rise in childhood obesity in Ireland.
The people behind the Bring Back Play initiative have put together a list of fun kids games for parents to try out in the hope of getting their children active.
We’ve listed a few below – along with Bring Back Play - handy instructions on the rules - that might ring a bell for anyone of a certain age.
Are there any we’ve missed out on here?
Tip the Can
Or Kick the Can, depending on where you did your playing. A fine mix of the patient tension of hide and seek and the explosive panic of a frenzied race to a lamppost to scream your head off.
How it’s played: Players run and hide while whoever is on counts at the can, which could be a pole, a tree, a bucket, etc. He or she then has to go and try find and tag each of the players hiding. Anyone caught has to stand by at the can and wait to be freed by players who have not been captured. They can do this by running up and kicking the can without getting caught themselves.
Wall Ball
A classic of simplicity and the game that a person could naturally fall into when confronted with a wall and in possession of a ball. It’s almost irresistible.
How it’s played: The first player starts be kicking the ball against the wall. Each player takes turns kicking the ball from where it lands against the wall. The ball must hit the wall or that player is out. If only two players are playing and one misses the wall, they give the other player a point. For older players you can mark out a section on the wall for the ball to hit.
Another in the wall ball vein but a more universal street ball-game, as it was played with the hands and required no actual football skill.
How it’s played: Players stand 2 to 3 metres away from a kerb and take turns to throw a football at it, trying to hit the edge of the kerb and have the ball bounce right back into their hands. Each successful throw is worth one point. First to 10 is the winner.
The most basic of games, but also a classic.
How it's played: The player on is “It”. That player has to then chase after and tag the others, by tipping their back or any part of their body with their hand. That player then becomes “It”. For added fun, once tagged that player can join “It” so that there are now two people tagging as a team. Played this way, the game is over once everyone has been tagged.