
Rents in Dublin up 20% since 2011

Over the past three years rental prices in Dublin have increased by almost 20%. The sharp rise in...

06.54 10 Feb 2014

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Rents in Dublin up 20% since 2...

Rents in Dublin up 20% since 2011


06.54 10 Feb 2014

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Over the past three years rental prices in Dublin have increased by almost 20%.

The sharp rise in the cost of renting in the capital, and the long queues at viewings, is being attributed to a shortage of supply.

In contrast, figures released in today's Daft Rental Report show that elsewhere in the country rents are almost static with a 2% increase in many rural areas since 2011.


Economist at Trinity College and Author of the Daft Report, Ronan Lyons, says the downturn in the counstruction sector is to blame:

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