
Residents against wind farms protest in Kilkenny

Rural residents opposed to wind farms are to protest today outside a meeting of the Irish Wind En...

10.44 9 Oct 2014

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Residents against wind farms p...

Residents against wind farms protest in Kilkenny


10.44 9 Oct 2014

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Rural residents opposed to wind farms are to protest today outside a meeting of the Irish Wind Energy Association in Kilkenny.

The protesters say wind is not the viable source of energy it is promoted as being.

Yesterday, permission was granted to a wind farm in Co Offaly, where nine turbines are due to be constructed.


An Bord Pleanala gave the go ahead with conditions.

Adrian O'Neill is from the group Old Leighlin Against Wind Turbines in Co Carlow.

He says evidence from Germany shows that wind energy is not sustainable, and explains why the protest is taking place.

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