Mitt Romney intends to focus on jobs growth, the US economy, and foreign policy and to implement smaller & simpler government.
He says these values “have made the United States the most powerful nation in the history of the world”.
But he claims that under the leadership of President Obama “Washington is smothering these values at home and sapping our influence abroad”.
He also believes the federal US government has grown too large.
The main issues from Romney are listed below.
It is a 5-part proposal for turning around the economy and delivering more jobs and more take-home pay for American families. the Romeny campaign say it will end the middle class squeeze of declining incomes and rising prices, bring back prosperity, and create 12 million jobs during his first term.
Part 1 of the plan is to achieve energy independence on this continent by 2020 by developing natural resources and as a result create millions of jobs – not only in the energy industry, but also in industries like manufacturing that will benefit from more energy at lower prices.
Part 2 of the plan is trade that works for America. He wants to work to open new markets for American goods and services, while also confronting nations like China that – to quote the Romney campaign – “cheat on trade and steal American jobs”.
Part 3 is to provide Americans with the skills to succeed through better public schools, better access to higher education, and better retraining programs that help to match unemployed workers with real-world job opportunities.
Part 4 is to cut the deficit, reducing the size of government and getting the national debt under control so that America remains a place where businesses want to open up shop and hire.
Finally part 5 is to champion small business which Romeny says “are the engine of job creation in this country, but they will struggle to succeed if taxes and regulations are too burdensome or if a government in Washington does its best to stifle them”.
Mitt Romney wants to rebuild the foundations of the American economy “on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation”. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. It relinquishes power to the states instead of claiming to have the solution to every problem.
Romney says his approach will safeguard America and secure US interests and ideals.
“The unifying thread of his national security strategy is American strength. When America is strong, the world is safer. It is only American power – conceived in the broadest terms – that can provide the foundation for an international system that ensures the security and prosperity of the United States and our friends and allies” his campaign says.
“A Romney foreign policy will proceed with clarity and resolve. Our friends and allies will not have doubts about where we stand and what we will do to safeguard our interests and theirs. Neither will our rivals, competitors, and adversaries. The best ally world peace has ever known is a strong America” it concludes.
Romney believes the mission to restore America to health begins with reducing the size of the federal government and getting its fiscal house in order.
He claims President Obama “has put our nation on an unsustainable course. Spending is out of control. Yearly deficits are massive. And unless we curb Washington’s appetite for spending, the national debt will only continue to grow”. As president, he wants to cut federal spending and regulation, and bring reforms to Medicare and Social Security.
Learn more about these issues here