Senator Rónán Mullen has said there should be a 'live and let live' approach to religious symbols in Irish hospitals.
The Independent Senator was speaking after all religious images and artefacts were removed from St Vincent's Hospital in Dublin, after the ownership of the facility was transferred from the Religious Sisters of Charity to a charitable trust.
Atheist Ireland has also suggested the hospital should be renamed to show that Ireland is "no longer controlled by the Catholic Church".
Senator Mullen told The Hard Shoulder there should be a model that allows a compromise.
"I think a lot of people would welcome, for example, when they are dying the fact that they would be able to have a priest," he said.
"I do hear reports that there's almost a discomfort now in the more secular mindset that... what do you really want [from] a religious input?
"Nobody's talking about forcing anything on anybody, by the way.
"I think we haven't got to a point of tolerance; there's a kind of an allergy towards Christianity in some quarters.
"We have to move beyond that to a more 'live and let live' situation".
'Diverse needs of patients'
Jillian Brennan, CEO of the Humanist Association of Ireland, said Catholic symbols should not be seen as more important than others.
"You can look at another aspect of the hospital system - the chaplaincy service - it's totally dominated by religious chaplains," she said.
"In fact, the rules that exist prevent non-religious people - for the most part - from partaking in any of those roles.
"Really what we're saying is we're just looking for equal rights.
"Given the diversity of our society now, the hospital system has to be able to cater for the diverse needs of all its patients.
"It's not appropriate to give priority to one set of our citizens in the country, as is the case at the moment - certainly from the iconography that's visible in our healthcare system".

Senator Mullen said he agrees with such an approach to diversity, but not to the detriment of others.
"[Ms Brennan] is reaching for diversity, which I agree with, but you don't achieve a good diversity by rubbing out other people's traditions," he said.
"You find a way to let them bloom together. Society will find it's natural balance on that".
He added: "The problem in Ireland at the moment is people... are trying to force the transformation of Irish society, instead of letting things evolve naturally".