
Schools to influence chipper opening times in English town

The motion by Salford Council is aimed at combating childhood obesity by placing controls on the ...

09.57 29 May 2013

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Schools to influence chipper o...

Schools to influence chipper opening times in English town


09.57 29 May 2013

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The motion by Salford Council is aimed at combating childhood obesity by placing controls on the opening times in certain locations

If passed, any new "hot food takeaway" premises in the Greater Manchester town within 400 metres of a primary or secondary school would not be able to open until 5PM, although can still accept orders made online or by phone.

The report says that this will “provide an appropriate balance between protecting the health of children and enabling new businesses to become established.”


Similar restrictions would be placed on takeaways in residential areas, although not if the residents will not be affected by noise.

Any chippers deemed by local police which “would adversely affect personal safety” and would also have to take steps to deter anti-social behaviour in the vicinity of the shop.

Earlier this month, our own Health Minister James Reilly recommended a 10% tax on junk food to combat Ireland's obesity problem.

Previous reports found that children even younger than school-going age were being fed junk food.

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