The Seanad has passed a Bill to ban smoking in cars that are carrying children. The legislation would extend the workplace smoking ban to any car carrying people under the age of 18, with fines of up to €1,000.
Health Minister James Reilly has promised to get the legislation passed through the Dáil.
Health groups say the ban on smoking in workplaces, pubs and restaurants has saved thousands of lives and helped cut the rate of smokers in Ireland from 33% to 22% of the public.
Minister Reilly says it was only the first step on a long road and wants to make Ireland 'smoke free' by 2025. He says banning smoking in cars carrying children is the vital next step.
Last month the Mr. Reilly said "This is not about being a nanny-state, this is about protecting children until they're old enough - over the age of 18 - to make these decisions for themselves".
"Who could possibly stand over a situation where there's a 3-year-old strapped into the back of a car, and adults puffing away in the front? It's just obscene, to be quite honest" he added.
Speaking today, he said he does not think it would cause much hassle to gardaí.