
Search for man missing in Kilkenny river resumes

Updated 09.30 A search operation has resumed at first light for a young man spotted in the River ...

06.54 26 Feb 2014

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Search for man missing in Kilk...

Search for man missing in Kilkenny river resumes


06.54 26 Feb 2014

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Updated 09.30

A search operation has resumed at first light for a young man spotted in the River Nore in Kilkenny city.

A passer-by walking his dog spotted the person in the water at about 7:30pm last night and tried unsuccessfully to get a life ring to him.


He and another man then saw the man go under the water.

A major search and rescue operation was launched involving the Civil Defence, gardaí and the Coastguard Helicopter - as well as volunteers who searched along the river banks.

Searches were called off overnight but began again this morning.

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