
See the Liffey at low tide like you've never seen it before

The incredible image below re-imagines what the lies beneath the Liffey when the tide is out, and...

16.10 1 Oct 2014

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See the Liffey at low tide lik...

See the Liffey at low tide like you've never seen it before


16.10 1 Oct 2014

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The incredible image below re-imagines what the lies beneath the Liffey when the tide is out, and is created by the Dublin-based graphic designer Michael Medvedi. 

And there isn't a shopping trolley in sight.


(Image: Michael Medvedi)

The image is actually a blend of four different images, seamlessly retouched and absolutely gorgeous - if a little bit sinister. Just like the Liffey itself.

(Image: Michael Medvedi)

You can check out some of Michael's other work here or on his Facebook page

(H/T: Reddit/reddit_0885)

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