
Senator Martin McAleese to resign Seanad seat

Senator Martin McAleese has submitted his letter of resignation to the Seanad. He says he intends...

16.55 1 Feb 2013

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Senator Martin McAleese to res...

Senator Martin McAleese to resign Seanad seat


16.55 1 Feb 2013

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Senator Martin McAleese has submitted his letter of resignation to the Seanad.

He says he intends to step down from his role with effect from Monday 4th February.

The Oireachtas has confirmed the Cathaoirleach has received the letter.


He first joined the Seanad back in May 2011 and was appointed by the Taoiseach Enda Kenny.

Shortly after this he was asked to chair the committee investigating the Magdalene laundries.

A report by the committee has been completed after some 18 months of research and analysis and is to be published shortly.

'I wish to record my gratitude'

The Senator said "It is my fervent hope that the Report will be of real public service most especially to the women concerned".

Mr. McAleese added "I wish to record my gratitude, first of all, to An Taoiseach Enda Kenny T.D. for affording me the opportunity to serve as a member of Seanad Éireann".

"My sincere thanks to you personally for your unfailing help and courtesy and to all the staff of the Seanad whose professional support I deeply appreciated".

He also went on "I am particularly grateful for the way in which the Seanad contributed to a number of bridge-building initiatives, most particularly its historic invitation to the Orange Order".

Senator McAleese is married to former President Mary McAleese who left office in 2011.

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