The number of serious crimes increased last year.
Provisional figures show that murders, manslaughters, rape and sexual assaults all increased in 2022 - while Gardaí also attended 54,000 call outs for domestic abuse.
This compared to just under 50,000 incidents of domestic abuse reported in 2021 and just over 44,500 in 2020.
Crimes against people overall showed increases of 6% in 2019 and 14% in 2021.

Gardaí say this was primarily due to increases in reported assaults causing harm.
However this plateaued in 2020, following a gradual rise over the previous three years.
These crimes were 14% higher in 2022 compared with the previous year.

Assaults against Gardaí also saw an increase, while overall fraud offences dropped.
Online frauds such as phishing fell back by 48%, but accommodation fraud has increased by 28%.
Burglary reports overall were 45% lower last year than pre-pandemic levels.
Meanwhile residential burglary was up 7% compared to 2021, but it was down 24% in the fourth quarter of last year.
The theft of vehicles has seen a "significant increase", with most reports related to thefts of second-hand imported vehicles and electric scooters.
This category increased by 52% for 2021.
'Reductions during COVID-19'
Sexual offences saw an 8% increase for 2019 and a 4% jump in 2021, with reported rape increasing by 13% and 2% respectively.
Gardaí say this increase may not relate an increase in the number of incidents, but rather because victims are more likely to report such crimes.
COVID-19 lockdowns may also have impacted the figures.
"Comparisons between current 2022 data and 2021 should continue to be considered in the context of COVID-19, therefore a longer trend comparison are given against 2019 figures," Gardaí say.
"Public health measures had a significant effect on crime, with most types of crime reporting reductions during the COVID-19 period.
"In particular, periods of 'lockdown' level restrictions such as the Level 5 restrictions (late December 2020 - May 2021) had a large impact on many types of crime," a statement adds.