
SF's McDonald says public sector pay cuts needed

The deputy leader of Sinn Féin Mary-Lou McDonald has said she agrees in-part with the Troi...

16.32 11 Jan 2013

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SF's McDonald says pub...

SF's McDonald says public sector pay cuts needed


16.32 11 Jan 2013

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The deputy leader of Sinn Féin Mary-Lou McDonald has said she agrees in-part with the Troika that public sector pay cuts must remain on the table.

A draft report on the bailout by the European commission obtained by the website also wants longer working hours and another review of allowances.

There is also a suggestion from the Troika to hire in specialists for the health service from across Europe at lower rates of pay.


"I agree with them that is an issue of public sector pay to be addressed - but I'm very specific in saying that it is pay at the upper echelons" she said.

"Senior ranks within the public and civil service in this State are paid rates and salaries far in excess of their European counterparts - so that needs to be reined in" she added.

HSE cuts 'a vicious attack'

She also said that plans by the Health Service Executive (HSE) to withdraw medical cards from some 40,000 people is "yet another vicious attack on those on low incomes".

Deputy McDonald said "Minister Reilly's latest cruel cut is a further attack on those citizens on low incomes".

"It is the latest in a disgraceful litany of attacks such as cuts to child benefit, to the carers allowance and the imposition of an inequitable family home tax".

She also said that she believes the government "are completely out of touch with the reality for ordinary people right across this country as they plough ahead with a disastrous austerity agenda".

"It is time they took stock of the real social harm resulting from their policies. They could make a start by immediately reversing this latest cut" she added.

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