The head of the Oireachtas Oversight Committee and Fianna Fail’s Justice Spokesperson have both called on Justice Minister Alan Shatter to explain his account to the Dáil of alleged bugging at the Garda Ombudsman Commission.
Sinn Fein’s Padraig MacLochlainn – head of the Oireachtas Oversight Committee - says the Justice Minister has questions to answer over his accounts of alleged bugging at the Garda Ombudsman Commission, while Fianna Fáil justice spokesperson Niall Collins has accused Shatter of misleading the Dáil.
Alan Shatter has agreed to appear before the committee on Wednesday.
He has already ruled out an independent inquiry to investigate the matter, and the Garda Commissioner insists no members of the force carried out surveillance.
Mac Lochlainn was speaking with Today’s FM’s Savage Sunday and said there seem to be inconsistencies between what the Minister told the Dail, and what he was apparently briefed on by GSOC.
Fianna Fail Justice spokesperson Niall Collins has accused Alan Shatter of misleading the Dáil in relation to the bugging claims.
Collins says the Justice Minister was informed on Monday by Ombudsman Simon O'Brien that they had begun a 'public interest' investigation focused on An Garda Síochana - the same report was given to the Public Service Oversight Committee last Wednesday.
The news comes on the back of revelations in the Sunday Times today that a security sweep at GSOC was carried out after it emerged that a senior Garda appeared to have information about a case being investigated by them.
But Deputy Collins says this is hugely significant: