Hillary Clinton has dodged a shoe thrown at her at a Las Vegas convention before cracking a couple of jokes and continuing with her speech. The former US Secretary of State was speaking to some 1,000 people attending a metal recycling conference when the shoe was hurled at her.
"Is that somebody throwing something at me?" Mrs. Clinton said after the object flew past her. "Is that part of Cirque de Soleil?".
She then quipped "My goodness, I didn't know that solid waste management was so controversial. Thank goodness she didn't play softball like I did."
A woman was taken into federal custody after the incident. She faces criminal charges.
While still on stage, Mrs. Clinton reflected on what she called "an atmosphere and attitude in politics" that she said rewards inflexibility and extremism.
"That is not the way democracy works" she said. "People bring their beliefs and their concerns to the table, and work them through".
The former First Lady and Democratic senator from New York has been travelling the country giving paid speeches to industry organisations and appearing before key Democratic Party constituents.
She is considering a Presidential bid.
In December 2008, former President George W. Bush dodged two shoes thrown by an Iraqi journalist during a news conference in Baghdad. Shoe-throwing is considered an insult in Arab cultures.