
Simon Harris: ‘If you’re accused of sexual assault, you need to be suspended from active duty’ 

If someone is accused of sexual assault, they “need to be suspended from active duty” until t...
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

15.07 30 Jun 2024

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Simon Harris: ‘If you’re accus...

Simon Harris: ‘If you’re accused of sexual assault, you need to be suspended from active duty’ 

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

15.07 30 Jun 2024

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If someone is accused of sexual assault, they “need to be suspended from active duty” until the matter is resolved, according to the Taoiseach. 

Speaking on The Anton Savage Show, Simon Harris said Ireland must maintain its ‘zero-tolerance’ approach to sexual-based violence. 

“That’s not a political slogan,” he said. “That involves all of us changing the culture in our workplace, homes, in the country.” 


There have been increased discussions around gender-based violence following the suspended sentence of soldier Cathal Crotty. 

Mr Harris said there are already regulations that say if someone is convicted and given a suspended sentence, they can be dismissed. 

“Within the parameter of that, it is entirely possible to have an efficient dismissal of anybody from the Defence Forces,” he said. 

“There are certain crimes if alleged against somebody, without prejudice, they do need to be suspended from active duty. 

“If you're accused of sexual assault and you wear the uniform of Oglaigh na hÉireann, you can’t continue to wear that uniform, without prejudice, until that matter is resolved.” 

Mr Crotty’s victim Natasha O’Brien has called on the Government to strengthen legislation around sentencing for certain crimes. 

She said is ready to “sit down” and “put a plan in place with legislation” to protect future victims of assault. 


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Mr Harris voiced his support for the campaigner: “Thank God for Natasha O’Brien. 

“Imagine had she come out of that court, gone home that evening and said that’s that,” he said. 

“As a result of her actions and I want to acknowledge this, there are now good follow-up actions that are happening and are essential.” 

Threat on Simon Harris

Mr Harris was also subject to a bomb threat on his home last week – though it was later found to be a hoax. 

The Taoiseach said it being a hoax doesn’t diminish the seriousness of the threat. 

“I don't want to overstate it, but I do want to call it out,” he said. 

“There was not, thank God, a bomb at my house, but it wasn't a hoax – it was an attempt to intimidate. 

“There was not a protest outside my house recently when people stood there with their faces fully masked – it was again an attempt to intimidate.” 

The Government is currently seeking to introduce legislation to prevent protests outside private individuals’ homes. 

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Defence Forces Natasha O'Brien Simon Harris

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