
Sinn Féin level with Fianna Fáil, latest opinion poll suggests

Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil are neck and neck to win the General Election, according to the lates...

08.41 2 Feb 2020

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Sinn Féin level with Fianna Fá...

Sinn Féin level with Fianna Fáil, latest opinion poll suggests


08.41 2 Feb 2020

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Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil are neck and neck to win the General Election, according to the latest opinion poll.

The Red C poll for the Business Post has Sinn Féin up five points to 24% support - tied with Fianna Fáil and three ahead of Fine Gael.

Overall, Mary Lou McDonald's party has seen its support jump 13% in Red C polls since November.


Fianna Fáil is down two points to 24%.

Fine Gael now lies in third place with 21% support, down two points on the last poll.

This survey of 1,000 voters was taken in the six days up to last Thursday.

It has a margin of error of 3%.

The poll found that support for the Green Party is on 7%, Labour on 5%, the Social Democrats with 3%, Aontu with 2% and Solidarity - People Before Profit with 1% support.

Independents and others have 13% of the vote.

The big story will be Sinn Féin which has clear momentum heading into the final week of the campaign and dominates the front of the Sunday papers as more and more people look for an alternative to Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil.

Today's poll is the second in as many days, with a survey released by The Times Ireland and Panelbase yesterday revealing that Sinn Féin has overtaken Fine Gael to become the second most popular party.

It had Fianna Fáil in the lead on 23%, followed by Sinn Féin in second on 21% and Fine Gael trailing on 19%.

Reporting by Seán Defoe

Main image: Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald speaking at the party's general election candidate launch in Dublin last month. Credit: Niall Carson/PA Wire

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