
Soldier who beat Limerick woman ‘effectively a free man’ following conviction – Safe Ireland 

"The perception is that he has not been punished."
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

12.09 22 Jun 2024

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Soldier who beat Limerick woma...

Soldier who beat Limerick woman ‘effectively a free man’ following conviction – Safe Ireland 

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

12.09 22 Jun 2024

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Soldier Cathal Crotty, who was convicted of an unprovoked assault on a woman in Limerick, is ‘effectively a free man’ after receiving a suspended sentence, according to Safe Ireland. 

The 22-year-old soldier of Parkroe Heights, Ardnacrusha, County Clare walked free from court after he was handed a three-year suspended sentence for the attack on Natasha O’Brien. 

Safe Ireland member Kathleen Chada said this is another example of a “patriarchal society” harming women. 


“It’s shocking this is the outcome and that Natasha has to put herself forward again to highlight the issue,” she told The Anton Savage Show. 

“In the court case, they talked about his character, and that he was an exemplary character, no previous convictions, no blemish on his record. 

“But this was a sustained attack on a woman that he didn't know simply because she was standing up for somebody else.” 

Ms O'Brien suffered a broken nose, bruising, nightmares and panic attacks after the unprovoked attack. 

Hours after the attack, Mr Crotty boasted about what he had done, writing to friends on Snapchat, "Two to put her down, two to put her out." 

Ms Chada said the judge’s decision to suspend Mr Crotty’s sentence risks lowering the chances of other women coming forward to report an assault in the future. 

“You put yourself in a position where you're questioning whether it's worthwhile,” she said. 

'Consequences' for Cathal Crotty

She said she “appreciates” there were “consequences” for Mr Crotty, including an order to pay Ms O’Brien €3,000 in compensation. 

She argued, however, that there was an “opportunity to actually punish someone for a crime”. 

“That's the issue – the perception is that he has not been punished,” she said. 

“You can go through all of the legal consequences in a suspensive sentence that you like - but the reality is, he hasn't been punished. 

“He was allowed to walk out of that courtroom, effectively a free man – all he has to do is behave himself for the next few years, and he won't be put into prison.” 

The justice system is supposed to protect Ms O’Brien and women with similar experiences, according to Ms Chada – but instead, it “retraumatised” her. 

“That's what most women feel after the judgment on Wednesday - we are not protected.” 

Yesterday, Tánaiste Micheál Martin confirmed the Defence Forces are launching a separate internal process into Mr Crotty. 

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