
Irish aid used on "chaffeur uniforms" and "swimming pools"

Some of Ireland's €623 million in foreign aid has been spent on chauffeur uniforms, swimming...

11.09 27 Jan 2013

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Irish aid used on "cha...

Irish aid used on "chaffeur uniforms" and "swimming pools"


11.09 27 Jan 2013

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Some of Ireland's €623 million in foreign aid has been spent on chauffeur uniforms, swimming pools, expensive cutlery, wine and a flagpole.

The Sunday Independent revealed the figures, which were designed to be spent on improving the lives of poor people in developing countries. 


Documents obtained by the Sunday Independent under the Freedom of Information Act, detail spending by Eamon Gilmore's Department of Foreign Affairs for last year.

It was revealed that the taxpayer spent 517 euro to replace a "swimming pool pump" for the ambassador's residence in Uganda in October.

Last February, €1,312 in Irish aid was used to pay for a "flag pole replacement" in Uganda, and in Vietnam, "New Zealand wine for office purposes" cost €1,813 in August.

We also coughed up €57,241 for mountain bikes for the Ugandan police as budget cuts will see the closure of 100 police stations in Ireland this year.

Ireland's €623-million foreign aid budget has come under pressure since the recession began, with a near €13 billion budget deficit, the taxpayer is effectively borrowing money to pay for aid to poorer countries.

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