
Spanish restaurant named best in the world

The survey of the world’s best eateries was carried out by 900 restaurant industry experts ...

16.19 1 May 2013

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Spanish restaurant named best...

Spanish restaurant named best in the world


16.19 1 May 2013

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The survey of the world’s best eateries was carried out by 900 restaurant industry experts and renowned gourmets. There are no strict criteria for voting, instead relying on the voters’ personal experiences to find the most interesting, creative, innovative and - above all - delicious meals.

El Celler de Can Roca in Girona, Spain topped this year’s list, moving up a spot from last year. The restaurant is run by a trio of Roca brothers, and has been operating since 1986. The restaurant serves ‘modern Spanish’ cuisine, and the recommended dish is “charcoal-grilled king prawn, king-prawn sand, ink rocks, fried legs, head juice and king prawn essence.” The set menu will set you back €130 – if you can get a reservation.

Last year’s winner Noma was knocked down a single spot to second. The Copenhagen eatery is presided over by René Redzepi, and the voters particularly recommend their brown crab dish. The ingredients are all foraged or sourced locally, so the menu changes as seasonal supplies dictate. A meal will cost in the region of €200 without wine. A food poisoning scare rocked Noma in March this year, with over sixty diners contracting norovirus after eating in the Danish restaurant.


Rounding out the top three is the “bonkers but brilliant” Osteria Francescana in Modena, Italy. Massimo Bottura’s restaurant offers some peculiar choices, such as ‘camouflage’ (foie gras with hare blood, chestnut and herbs) – yes, it’s designed to look like camouflage. Set menus range from €110 to €180 (without wine pairing).

Heston Blumenthal's Dinner restaurant in London is ranked seventh.

Unfortunately, no Irish establishments broke the top hundred this year. In May last year Dublin’s prestigious Chapter One was named the best in the country at the Restaurant Awards, with this year’s results due in June. However, it looks like Chapter One and the other Irish contenders have some work to do before being ranked with the world’s greatest.

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