The Garda Commissioner has ordered investigators to revisit files about the Stardust fire.
Last week a jury at an inquest found all 48 young people who died in the February 1981 fire were unlawfully killed.
Gardaí are expecting a Coroner's report from the inquest in the coming weeks.
Commissioner Drew Harris said today that officers are going over two investigation files.
"I've asked that our National Bureau of Criminal Investigation in effect revisit the two investigation files that have been submitted to the DPP," he said.
"That's already underway.
"Investigation files were submitted in the early 1980s and also then in 2016.
"The file in 2016 was a very, very extensive file."

Taoiseach Simon Harris apologised to families and survivors of the tragedy earlier this week, saying the State 'should have stood with them'.
"I know that you were forced to endure a living nightmare which began when your loved ones were so cruelly snatched from you in a devastating fire," he said.
"Their unfinished stories became you story, the defining story of your lives.
"I am deeply sorry that you were made to fight for so long that they went to their graves never knowing the truth.
"Today we say formally and without any equivocation, we are sorry. We failed you when you needed us the most."
The Department of the Taoiseach is also to prepare proposals to appropriately commemorate the disaster, as requested by the families.