A status yellow thunderstorm warning for the entire country has been issued for today.
The warning by Met Éireann will be in effect from 3pm until 3am tomorrow, Monday.
It signals the end of the heatwave, which was declared yesterday after the country saw temperatures of over 25 degrees five days in a row.
The warm weather is expected to last through to tomorrow, at which point the country can look forward to a cooler week ahead.
Alan O'Reilly from Carlow Weather says the thundery downpours may lead to spot flooding.
"It will get very heavy with humidity increasing and then those thunderstorms will kick off", he said.
"That could give way to some thundery downpours, which could unfortunately lead to some localised spot flooding."
High temperatures
Met Éireann status yellow warning for high temperatures still stands.
Today is set to be very warm with maximum temperatures generally of 27 to 30 degrees or locally higher.
It will be warm overnight with temperatures of at least 15 degrees.
Main image shows a sunset. Image by: Sam Boal/RollingNews.ie