The convenience of streaming films at home has meant fewer people are going to the cinema, according to a leading Irish director.
New figures show cinema attendance has dropped in recent years, with just 2.3 admissions per person recorded last year, compared to 3.3 in 2018.
People in Ireland had previously visited cinemas at a higher rate than in any other EU country.
On Lunchtime Live today, director Richard Waters said some of the decline can be attributed to COVID lockdowns.
“People got out of the habit of going to the cinema during that time and certainly the bigger thing now is streaming,” he said.
“It’s so convenient for people to stick a movie on Netflix or Amazon Prime, they make films so accessible now and that’s what people associate watching films with.
“They think there’s no point in spending money to go to a cinema, getting a babysitter, finding parking, getting a bus, or whatever it takes to get the big screen experience.”

Mr Waters, who directed the likes of ‘In a Stranger’s House’ and ‘Bring out the Fear,’ said he makes “no bones” about being a fan of cinemas.
“As much as I love watching films at home and I’m a big fan of streaming, it’s a totally different experience when you go to the big screen," he said.
“You’re going in for the experience, you could have a huge TV at home but it’s not the same as going into the screen that completely fills your field of vision.
“You’re in comfy seats, you have your popcorn and drink and you're immersed in the experience – it’s an ideal setup.”
Drogheda film reviewer Niall O’Brien, who goes to the cinema twice a week, said deals can still be found in certain chains.
“You’ll find a lot of cinema chains will offer deals on certain days, they’ll have date night deals and things like that,” he said.
“A lot of these cinemas make their money on concessions which is why they’re a bit more expensive.
“But I wouldn’t want to live in a world where the only choice is staying at home to watch a film by yourself.
“It doesn’t matter how good the TV you have at home is.”
Total box office revenue was €101 million last year, up 10% from 2022.
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Main image: A film being shown in a cinema. Image: Mafalda / Alamy Stock Photo