
Surprising public sector allowances you didn’t know about

Newstalk has compiled a Top 10 list of lesser-known public sector allowances that are still in pl...

10.40 19 Sep 2012

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Surprising public sector allow...

Surprising public sector allowances you didn’t know about


10.40 19 Sep 2012

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Newstalk has compiled a Top 10 list of lesser-known public sector allowances that are still in place.

You might be surprised by what you find.

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1) Some receptionists in the civil service get a franking allowance of €34 a week for stamping the post

2) Staff employed and paid a salary to be forklift drivers get an additional allowance called ‘the forklift allowance’

3) Some civil servants get a footwear allowance of €65 a year. The report does not know but ‘feels’ this does not add up to much

4) Staff at the National Museum who work in the yard get a yard allowance

5) Security staff at the National Museum who use a CCTV get a camera allowance

6) Paramedics get a cardiac allowance for using a defibrillator. Dates back to the 1980s

7) General ops get an allowance for taking 30 minutes lunch on site but must work 1.5 hours each side of the break

8) Staff at Chester Beatty Library get a box-making allowance of €15-20 per box

9) Receptionists at the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) get €2,400 on top of salary to guarantee to answer phone 9-5pm Mon to Friday

10) Staff at the CSO get an allowance to replace the photocopier toner so that the OPW are not called in

Read the full review of Public Sector allowances and premium payments href=""> here

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