
Take-home-pay is priority at INTO conference

The number one item on the agenda at the INTO conference is the take home pay of teachers. Union ...

14.35 21 Apr 2014

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Take-home-pay is priority at I...

Take-home-pay is priority at INTO conference


14.35 21 Apr 2014

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The number one item on the agenda at the INTO conference is the take home pay of teachers.

Union leaders meeting in Kilkenny from today say they want a commitment in the Haddington Rd agreement for the restoration of pay cuts to be respected, if the economy continues to recover.

They are also calling for the phasing out of the pension levy.


Primary teachers are also concerned about resources for small schools - especially the number of teachers.

Eight Irish schools have only 1 teacher, and the INTO is warning more schools are likely to follow.

Sheila Nunan, INTO General Secretary, says some small schools might exist to serve a language, religious or community need that isn't going to go away:

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