Gardaí are investigating complaints of noises of a ‘sexual nature’ being played in the vicinity of a Waterford Church during funerals.
The Church is located in the small village of Kilgobnet and overlooks the picturesque Dungarvan Bay.
Speaking to Newstalk Breakfast, WLR presenter Damien Tiernan said locals are hugely upset by the behaviour of the person or people behind the noises.
“I was up at a funeral two weeks ago where a little girl died in tragic circumstances and locals were telling me about these noises apparently being played on some kind of a speaker system in the vicinity of Kilgobnet,” he said.
“Some mourners, at different funerals, could hear what was coming out over these speaker systems.
“Locals believe they know where the noises are coming from [and] it’s been very upsetting for families and church goers.
“Some of the content has words that you could describe as of a sexual nature that you might use if you are verbally criticising someone.”

Locals say whoever is behind the noises has been doing it for some time and the matter has been reported to local Gardaí.
There are no universal standards as to what constitutes noise pollution but it broadly falls into four categories of sound that is “considered a nuisance”, is dangerous to human health, the environment or could damage property.
As well as Gardaí, complaints about noise pollution can also be made to the council.
“[Gardaí] are saying they’re investigating reports of offensive audio material being played on a continuous basis at certain times in the vicinity of Kilgobnet,” he said.
“It’s a bizarre story and it does raise issues about what is noise pollution and what is noise compliance and who do you complain to about it and all that.
“It’s the talk of the village and Waterford.”
In a statement to Newstalk, Gardaí described their investigation as "ongoing".
Main image: Kilgobnet Church. Picture by: National Built Heritage Service.