
Tanaiste refuses to state party position on abortion

The Tánaiste is refusing to say if the Labour Party remains pro-choice. Eamon Gilmore is also re...

16.06 30 Aug 2012

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Tanaiste refuses to state part...

Tanaiste refuses to state party position on abortion


16.06 30 Aug 2012

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The Tánaiste is refusing to say if the Labour Party remains pro-choice.

Eamon Gilmore is also refusing to state if he supports the abolition of the Seanad.

After meeting American business leaders Mr. Gilmore faced questions from the media for the first time since before the summer break.


With the expert group due to report on how to deal with a European Court Judgement on the ‘X’ case the Tánaiste was asked if his party remains a pro-choice one.

However he was not forthcoming on that topic nor on whether he supports abolition of the Seanad.

A centrepiece of Fine Gael policy the Programme for Government says a referendum will be held.

But Eamon Gilmore was certainly adding fuel to reports he will not force TDs and Senators to campaign to get rid of the Upper House.

On the property tax he says how much the tax will be or how it will be calculated have yet to be made and he will make his preferences known at the Cabinet table.

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