
Tanaiste warns Ministers: Don’t leak Budget contents

The Tánaiste is demanding silence from all Ministers on the contents of the December Budget. Eam...

17.16 12 Sep 2012

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Tanaiste warns Ministers: Don’...

Tanaiste warns Ministers: Don’t leak Budget contents


17.16 12 Sep 2012

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The Tánaiste is demanding silence from all Ministers on the contents of the December Budget.

Eamon Gilmore says leaks like we had on a daily basis last year are not fair especially to older people.

He made the comments at the end of the Parliamentary Labour Party meeting in Kildare.


He was surrounded by some members of the Cabinet.

The 2-day meeting saw him plead with fellow Cabinet members not to engage in a “season of kite-flying” and leaks about the Budget.

And in a clear message to nervous backbenchers Eamon Gilmore told them that the worst of the pain would be over in another year.

Mr. Gilmore says leaks are not helpful.

It follows an Irish Times editorial by the Labour Party Chairman Colm Keaveney.

In it he says both coalition parties are becoming too focused on internal control leaving newer and younger TDs out of the process of policy formation and discussion.

Eamon Gilmore says he welcomes such a frank opinion from any member of his party.

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