
Taoiseach insists there are no special tax deals for companies

The Taoiseach is again insisting that Ireland does not do special tax rate deals with companies. ...

07.26 22 May 2013

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Taoiseach insists there are no...

Taoiseach insists there are no special tax deals for companies


07.26 22 May 2013

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The Taoiseach is again insisting that Ireland does not do special tax rate deals with companies. Enda Kenny says the laws here do not allow for individual arrangements with multi-nationals.

The Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore also says there is no low corporate tax rate regime for any firms.

The Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook has told the US Senate his company had negotiated a 2% tax rate with the Irish government.


However the Taoiseach, Tanaiste as well as a number of Ministers are rejecting the claim.

Our tax laws will come under scrutiny at the European Council meeting as will those of Britain after questions were also raised their about the beneficial status being given to Google and other companies.

Speaking in Brussels, Enda Kenny is insisting that Ireland does not do special tax rate deals with companies and that there are no individual deals 

While the Jobs Minister Richard Bruton also defended the Irish tax system in the Dail. He says Ireland is clearly not - and never has been - a tax haven. 

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