
Taoiseach promises to restore public trust in policing

Enda Kenny has promised to restore public trust in policing structures. The Taoiseach says Fine G...

10.32 2 Mar 2014

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Taoiseach promises to restore...

Taoiseach promises to restore public trust in policing


10.32 2 Mar 2014

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Enda Kenny has promised to restore public trust in policing structures.

The Taoiseach says Fine Gael is determined to guarantee public confidence in both the Gardaí and the Garda Ombudsman.

Speaking at the Fine Gael Ard Fheis the Taoiseach said he would not allow the institutions to be undermined in the eyes of the Irish people.


And he responded to those who had tried to blame Alan Shatter and Fine Gael for the problems, saying:

“I regard the safety and security of our people as being paramount, and anyone who has tried to play politics with these issues in the last number of weeks should hang their heads in shame.”

A Millward Brown/Sunday Independent poll published today has revealed that the three main parties – Fine Gael, Labour and Fianna Fail – have all suffered significant drops in support due to the ongoing Garda whistleblower/GSCO bugging scandals. The poll also shows that Alan Shatter hass entered the list of most unpopular ministers.

 Image: An Taoiseach and leader of Fine Gael Enda Kenny raises Minister for Justice Alan Shatter's hand at the end of his leaders speech which closed the Party's Ard Fheis in the RDS tonight. Photo: /Photocall Ireland

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