
Taoiseach tells EU of Irish patience & courage in recovery

The Taoiseach has told the European Parliament that Ireland is taking steps on the road to recove...

10.42 16 Jan 2013

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Taoiseach tells EU of Irish pa...

Taoiseach tells EU of Irish patience & courage in recovery


10.42 16 Jan 2013

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The Taoiseach has told the European Parliament that Ireland is taking steps on the road to recovery.

Speaking this morning Enda Kenny told MEPS that Ireland has honoured all of its EU-IMF commitments and that the government is determined to exit the bailout programme before the end of this year.

He received a round of applause in the European Parliament this morning.


The Taoiseach told the assembly that the Irish people had borne the recession with courage, patience and dignity.

His address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg is part of the Irish Presidency of the European Union for the next 6 months.

Ireland 'example' for Europe

Meanwhile the President of the European Commission says the EU will stand by Ireland in the plan to sort out our massive debt.

Jose-Manuel Barroso says Ireland is an example to the rest of Europe on how to tackle economic difficulty arising from the measures introduced here in the past 5 years.

Also addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg this morning President Barroso said the evidence to date shows that the Irish economic plan is achieving positive results.

"The Irish case shows that - provided there is a political will to accompany the sacrifices - programmes can and do work, and reform can go hand-in-hand with social conditions" he said.

"Economic growth in Ireland was stronger than expected at the end of last year; the deficit is lower than predicted - and Ireland has already made a first successful return to financial markets" he added.

The Taoiseach also reminded MEPs of a commitment last June to separate banking and sovereign debt.

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