A shopper in County Donegal has had an early Halloween scare after discovering a Tarantula in a bunch of bananas purchased at the local supermarket.
The ISPCA said the stowaway Mexican Red Rump Tarantula would have travelled with the fruit all the way from Central America.
The surprised shopped immediately contacted the animal welfare charity who brought in Care Assistant Leela Voss, who is experienced in handling exotic animals.
The spider, nicknamed Parker by the ISPCA, is around four months old and experts will be able to tell whether it is male of female when it grows larger.

ISPCA Centre Manager Denise McCausland said: “Parker was carefully captured and transferred in a secure box before being admitted to the ISPCA ARC for a closer inspection.”
“A veterinary examination confirmed that Parker was very dehydrated and lethargic after his travels but after some water and mini crickets to eat, he began to perk up very quickly,” she said.
“Parker was placed in an appropriate humid habitat in temperature and moisture levels suitable for his species and was closely monitored over a number of weeks.
“He has already grown in size and is continuously spinning elaborate webs all around his enclosure.
“Parker is thriving well; his previous fuzz of hair is thickening well as he grows, also moulting in recent days.”

Parker is now safe and well at the Donegal Animal Rehabilitation Centre (ARC) and will soon be moved to his new home at Tropical World in Letterkenny.
“This is a vulnerable time for Tarantulas,” said Ms McCausland. “His new exoskeleton has to harden in the coming days and weeks so we are being extra careful.
She said he will live “live the solitary life he requires in a purpose built vivarium fit for a spider Prince or Princess” at Tropical World.
The ISPCA said anyone thinking of getting an exotic pet has a legal duty to ensure they can provide the correct care throughout the animal’s life.
Exotic pets have five basic animal welfare needs and owners have a legal duty to ensure they are a responsible pet owner.
- A suitable living environment
- An acceptable diet
- Ability to act according to natural behaviour
- Companionship if necessary
- To be healthy and protected from pain, injury or disease
Female Tarantulas are famously long-lived and can live for longer than 20 years even in captivity.
Males don’t make it much beyond reaching sexual maturity, with a lifespan of just five to 10 years on average