
TDs more likely to have penalty points than general public

TDs are more likely to carry penalty points on their driving licences than the general public&nbs...

13.00 2 Feb 2013

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TDs more likely to have penalt...

TDs more likely to have penalty points than general public


13.00 2 Feb 2013

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TDs are more likely to carry penalty points on their driving licences than the general public according to a survey of TD's nationwide carried out by the Irish Times newspaper.

Of the 165 TDs contacted by the Irish Times 91 responded to the survey on a confidential no-names basis.

Almost half of the respondants said they have at least 2 points on their licence for a driving offence while 48 TDs say they have no penalty points at all.


The newspaper found that across the country as a whole 20 TDs were found to have 4 or more points on their licence with one TD admitting to having 7 points.

In a follow up to the survey the TD's said breaking the speed limit was the reason for the majority of the penalties.

All of the deputies questioned say they never had penalty points cancelled or quashed.

Ciara Ni Bhroin reports: 


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