
The country's two newest TDs have been elected.

  The country's two newest TDs have been elected. Paul Murphy in Dublin South West and Mich...

21.12 11 Oct 2014

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The country's two newe...

The country's two newest TDs have been elected.


21.12 11 Oct 2014

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The country's two newest TDs have been elected.


Paul Murphy in Dublin South West and Michael Fitzmaurice in Roscommon South Leitrim caused upsets for the two opposition parties - Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil.

They'll take their seats in Leinster House just minutes before the budget's delivered on Tuesday.

It took the most of 12 hours to fill the seat in Roscommon South Leitrim.

Fianna Fáil's Ivan Connaughton topped the poll on the first count, but saw his lead cut with each count.

At 5 past eight he finally conceded having fallen more than 1,600 votes behind.

He'll take his seat in the Dáil on Tuesday, minutes before the budget's delivered, along with Paul Murphy.

The Anti Austerity Alliance TD won out in Dublin South West after ousting poll topper Cathal King from Sinn Féin.

Turnout in these by-elections was low - but those who did cast a ballot have sent a clear message not just to the coalition, but the main opposition parties too.


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