
'Their donations are needed now' - Irish charities unite for Gaza aid appeal

The Irish Emergency Alliance says despite blockages to aid deliveries in Gaza, vital funds are reaching local partners
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

15.08 24 Sep 2024

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'Their donations are needed no...

'Their donations are needed now' - Irish charities unite for Gaza aid appeal

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

15.08 24 Sep 2024

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Six Irish charities are teaming up to launch a joint appeal to raise life-saving donations for Gaza.

The agencies say that despite blockages to aid deliveries in the Palestinian enclave, vital funds are reaching local partners and offering a lifeline to Palestinians.

The Irish Emergency Alliance has ensured a steady flow of life-saving care to those most in need by transferring funds directly to local established partners across Gaza.


These partners can then provide food, clean water, medical care and other essentials.

The Alliance - made up of ActionAid, Christian Aid, Plan International, Tearfund Ireland, Trócaire and World Vision – pay for vital services such as the running costs for hospitals, medical equipment and buy basic necessities such as soap.

A family looks at an apartment block destroyed by a missile strike in Gaza City, 21-2-24. A family looks at an apartment block destroyed by a missile strike in Gaza City, 21-2-24. Image: Christian Aid/Omar Al-Qattaa

Irish Emergency Alliance Chair Liz O'Donnell said the group could not wait any longer to make this appeal.

"With our local partners in Gaza desperately crying out for more funding we could not wait for a ceasefire deal before launching a joint appeal," she said.

"The message we want people in Ireland to hear is that their donations are needed now more than ever as the scale and need is at catastrophic level.

"Donations from the Irish public will provide a lifeline to those struggling to survive the horrors and suffering that we are watching on our TV screens every night," she said.

More than 41,000 people have been killed and nearly 100,000 have been injured in the conflict with Israel.

The Irish Emergency Alliance says over one million people – more than half the population of Gaza - are struggling to access enough food to survive and nearly half a million are on the brink of starvation.

People can donate here or by calling 1800 939 979

Main image: A girl living in a displacement shelter in Rafah, Southern Gaza in February 2024. Image: Terre des hommes / Abed Zagout

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ActionAid Aid Appeal Christian Aid Gaza Gaza Aid Appeal Irish Charities Irish Emergency Alliance Liz O'Donnell Palestinian Plan International Tearfund Ireland Trócaire World Vision

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