From "excuse me while I kiss this guy" by Jimi Hendrix, to "Yugoslavia" by the Rolling Stones, we've all had that one lyric we've persistently misheard – often with hilarious results.
Our reporter Henry McKean took to the streets to find out some of the most interesting examples. And the results, we're sure you'll agree, show just how wonderfully creative we can all be...
And as always Twitter has thrown up a few gems as well...
@SeanMoncrieff #misheardlyrics "Johnny Johnny six feet high" mate of mines opening line to living on a prayer by Bob jovi😂😂
— Eoin Lanigan (@Elanzo16) July 31, 2014
@SeanMoncrieff #misheardlyrics knew someone who thought "we're jamming" was "we're German...I hope you like German too...
— MUIREANN (@pinkletron) July 31, 2014
@SeanMoncrieff The ma upon hearing "I Wanna Be Adored" by the Stone Roses, remarked how silly a song called "I Wanna Be A Dog" was.
— Stevie Greene (@steviegreene) July 31, 2014
@SeanMoncrieff Someone once claimed "The ants are my friends, they're blowin' in the wind". Dunno if I believe they really thought that.
— Bunny Malone (@bunnymalonecomx) July 31, 2014